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Chat with Students in Annapolis

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Whether you are wondering about Euclid or curious about student life, our students in Annapolis and Santa Fe are excited to connect with you and talk more about life as a Johnnie! These students all work in Admissions and make it their mission to spread the word about St. John's College and our unique undergraduate program. Schedule a conversation today!

Class of 2026

Home State: Maryland
Academic Interests
: Editing, communications, journalism, philosophy
Extracurriculars: Crocheting, reading, dancing, fashion, tea
Internships & Fellowships: None yet...
What do you want to do after graduation? Work for a publishing house as an editor and publisher for novels, journals, and newspapers


Class of 2026

Home State: Querétaro, México
Academic Interests
: As a Montessori alumni myself I am really interested in Montessori education system and early childhood development.
: My passion is reading and preforming arts, especially musical theater, so I enjoy promoting the liberal arts. 
Internships & Fellowships
: Not yet…
What do you want to do after graduation? 
I want to become a Montessori and arts teacher, and promote the same excitement on learning and discovering!


Class of 2025

Home State: Colorado 
Academic Interests: I am furthering my interest in business by working for Admissions.
Extracurriculars: I am involved in and help lead InterVarsity Christin Fellowship. I also enjoy hiking, photography, listening to music, daily comics, and watching the sunset.
Internships & Fellowships: I use my summers to work in Admissions and learn more about business.
What do you want to do after graduation? I know that I would like to stay in Santa Fe for a little while. Beyond that, life is an adventure and I want to see where it takes me.


Class of 2026

Home State: Illinois
Academic Interests: There’s so much to love reading across the program, but my favorites so far are political philosophy and chemistry.
Extracurriculars: Intramurals, Chess Club, Law Club.
Internships & Fellowships: Worked as a laboratory assistant at a biotech company prior to St. John’s. I’m hoping to intern this summer at a law firm.
What do you want to do after graduation? Right now, I’m thinking of going to law school, but medical school and business school are also in the mix.


Class of 2026

Home State: Colorado
Academic Interests
: Poetry, Borges, History (any and all) Philosophy, Theology.
: Chess, Swing dancing, MTG, Organizing.
Internships & Fellowships: Hopefully
What do you want to do after graduation? World Domination/World Education/Building the biggest Taco.